The Presets for Mars provide users a sense of the various levels of complexity of habitat design. None of the presets are perfectly configured, meaning each has room for improvement, some more dire than another. Presets load almost instantly as the data is pre-generated and stored on the SIMOC server. Or, you can download the preset data and run locally after SIMOC is loaded into your web browser.

If you make even one change to any Preset, the server will generate an entirely new, custom habitat according to your design.

To access the Biosphere 2 simulation, from the main menu (upper right) log out then back in again, selecting BIOSPHERE 2.

Preset 1: One Human

Location: Mars
Duration Length: 10 Days
Inhabitants: 1
Food: 100
Crew Quarters: Small
Greenhouse: None
Solar PV Array: 30
Batteries: 1000

This Preset presents the simplest case: a single astronaut in the small crew quarters. The single Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLSS) rack provides adequate atmosphere and water recycling and waste processing. Food rations sustain the astronaut for the duration of 30 days.

SIMOC Preset 1 Human


  • Take note of the regularity of ECLSS, power consumption, and day/night power cycles.
  • Despite the solar panels, the battery is gradually running low. How can this be remedied?

Preset 2: One Human and a bunch of Radishes

Location: Mars
Duration: 30 Days
Inhabitants: 1
Food: 100
Crew Quarters: Small
Greenhouse: Small
Solar PV Array: 70
Batteries: 1000

As with the first Preset, we have just one human and one ECLSS rack. However, now we have added 40 square meters (4m x 10m) of radish plants and additional solar panels to power the greenhouse lights. Mark Watney had potatoes. We prefer something a bit spicier.

SIMOC Preset Radish


  • Compare the CO2 levels of the 1 Human and Radish simulations. What do you notice?
  • While we are consuming more power, what happens to the battery level from start to finish?
  • What happens to Food at time step 599?

Preset 3: Four Humans

Location: Mars
Duration: 10 Days
Inhabitants: 4
Food: 100
Crew Quarters: Small
Greenhouse: None
Solar PV Array: 30
Batteries: 1000

This Preset is similar to One Human but with four astronauts instead of one. However, it appears someone forgot the pre-flight checklist as they yet retain a single ECLSS rack which is designed for a maximum of 3 people. Clearly, this is not a good situation.

SIMOC Preset 4 Humans


  • Which mission critical systems are failing?
  • What would need to be modified for this mission to succeed?

Preset 4: Four Humans with a full Garden

Location: Mars
Duration: 100 Days
Inhabitants: 4
Food: 1200
Crew Quarters: Medium
Greenhouse: Small
Solar PV Array: 400
Batteries: 2000

This is the most complex of the Presets as it includes 4 astronauts, a much larger solar PV array, twice as much battery storage, and again just one ECLSS rack designed to support a maximum of 3 humans. as with the Four Humans preset. However, this time around we have a garden with a variety of plants that conduct their own carbon dioxide sequestration. But plants need CO2 to produce oxygen. Will they have enough given just four humans as their sole supply?

SIMOC Preset Full Garden


  • Notice how the CO2 level rises and falls again. Why?
  • Why does the CO2 sequestration go into a chaotic pattern during the mission?

Preset 5: Space Analog for Mars at Biosphere 2

Location: Mars
Duration: 100 Days
Inhabitants: 1
Food: 300
Crew Quarters: SAM
Greenhouse: SAM
Solar PV Array: 100
Batteries: 1000

Based on the Space Analog for the Moon & Mars (SAM) at the Biosphere 2, this preset matches the the real dimensions and parameters of this hi-fidelity Mars habitat analog. The food cultivars (rice, cabbage, sweet potato, and tomato) were selected as a careful balance of CO2 sequestration and nutrition.



  • Compare the growth period from planting to harvest for each of the food cultivars. How do they compare?
  • If you run this simulation for its full duration, take note of the CO2 levels. Be certain to monitor the CO2 Makeup agent by means of the Consumption Breakdown dashboard panel. Where is this CO2 coming from? Why and when is it employed?
  • How many more humans would need to be added to provide required CO2 for the plants?

Custom Preset

As soon as you make just one adjustment to any of the Presets, the Custom Preset option becomes visible. You can save your custom preset within SIMOC, or download it from the Main menu, to be reloaded for a future run