Getting Started
- We recommend that you learn about the configuration Presets, and perhaps take time to watch one or more of the videos for the use of SIMOC.
- SIGN UP to create an account or Sign in as a Guest.

First Mission
- Select 1 Human from the Preset menu.
- Without modification, LAUNCH SIMULATION.
This is a baseline mission where the astronaut is sustained through packaged food and machines to remove CO2 and generate O2, recycle water, and process human waste. This is how the astronauts on the Apollo missions, Space Shuttle, and International Space Station have for five decades lived in space.
Using the timeline at the Dashboard bottom you can Pause and move Backward or Forward one simulated hour at a time. Try changing panels to monitor various parameters. Pay close attention to power production and consumption, CO2, and food consumption to learn how they change over time.
When done, from the upper-right Dashboard menu you can DOWNLOAD SIMULATION DATA to share with a friend, or return to in the future. You can also SAVE PANELS LAYOUT if you customized the SIMOC Dashboard during your run.

Second Mission
- Select NEW SIMULATION from the upper-right Dashboard menu.
- Select the 1 Human + Radish from the Preset menu.
- Without modification, LAUNCH SIMULATION.
Move through the timeline and notice what happens to the CO2 consumption over time. Replace the Mission Status panel with Consumption Breakdown and replace the Inhabitant Status with Greenhouse Plant Growth and notice the reduced reliance on the mechanical CO2 removal agents as the radishes mature.
What happens over time? Why? And what changes between timestep 598 and 599?

Third and Fourth Missions
- Select 4 Humans from the Preset menu.
- Without modification, LAUNCH SIMULATION.
- Observe the outcome, and then …
- Select 4 Humans + Garden from the Preset menu.
- Without modification, LAUNCH SIMULATION.
Carefully study the data and look for correlations between each of the agents. Step forward and back one hour at a time to observe power, CO2, water, and food to learn where the system fails, and why.
Now you are ready to design a mission of your own as an Advanced User!